There is a belief that eating more eggs a day is harmful to your health, especially your cholesterol levels. It is now known that eggs are not a harmful food, on the contrary, if eaten in the right doses they can improve our health, representing a fundamental food for the diet.
Below we list some benefits of eating 2 eggs a day .
Heart Disease . Although eggs contain about 400 mg of cholesterol, this superfood doesn’t actually increase it. When our bodies consume higher levels of cholesterol, the body begins to produce less of it. A third of the cholesterol in our bodies comes from food, the rest is produced by the body itself.
Folic Acid . Eggs are rich in vitamin B9, or folic acid. Deficiency of this vitamin in pregnant women is associated with problems with the central nervous system and brain of the unborn child.
Anti-aging . Free-range eggs are particularly rich in yellow pigments which are in turn rich in carotenoids and antioxidants. These compounds are very effective in counteracting the symptoms of aging.
Cancer . Daily consumption of eggs can reduce the risk of breast cancer. They are rich in vitamins, minerals and amino acids that reduce the production of estrogen.
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